Jar Glass Tomato Paste consists of tomatoes that have been cooked for several hours and reduced to a thick, red concentrate before being strained. Tomato paste is widely used in Italian dishes. It is used to inexpensively thicken, color, and enrich the flavor of tomato sauces and other semi-liquids such as soups and stews. Jar Glass Tomato Paste is an essential pantry staple to have on hand for whipping up delicious, deeply flavored meals-it can transform a ho-hum recipe, like a soup or sauce, into something really special.
Ofis Adresi (İhracat):no.610-611,Shu NJ ing ticaret merkezi,no.855,endüstriyel cadde güney, H Aizhu bölgesi, Guangzhou,Çin (anakara)
Fabrika Adresi:Endüstriyel ekonomik ve teknolojik gelişim bölgesi Heshuo Qingshui Xinjiang Çin (Anakara)
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